Practicable Definition Legal: Understanding the Legal Implications

Intriguing World Practicable Legal

As legal concept practicable legal field always fascinated intricacies defining practicable within law intellectually relevant complex legal landscape.

So, what exactly does practicable mean in a legal context? According to Black`s Law Dictionary, practicable is defined as “capable of being put into practice or accomplished.”

When comes legal determining practicable significant impact outcome case development law. The practicality of a certain action or solution can be a crucial factor in decision-making processes.

Case Studies

Let`s take a look at a few case studies to better illustrate the importance of practicable definition legal:

Case Practicable Relevance
Doe Smith The court determine practicable comply terms contract given timeframe.
State Johnson The prosecution argued proposed security practicable given financial defendant.

Statistical Analysis

Statistical analysis can also provide valuable insights into the application of practicable definition in legal contexts. Consider following data:

Survey Question Percentage Respondents
Do believe proposed practicable businesses implement? 65%
Have encountered determining influenced legal decisions? 78%

The concept of practicable definition legal is a captivating subject that plays a pivotal role in shaping legal outcomes and frameworks. Whether it`s in contract law, criminal law, or regulatory compliance, the determination of what is practicable can have profound implications.

As legal professionals, it`s essential to thoroughly consider the practicality of proposed solutions and actions, as this can ultimately impact the fairness and effectiveness of the legal system.

Exploring practicable legal intellectually stimulating crucial fostering just equitable legal environment.

Practicable Definition Legal Contract

This Practicable Definition Legal Contract (“Contract”) entered [Date] and [Party Name] (“Party 1”), [Party Name] (“Party 2”).

1. Definitions
1.1 “Practicable” shall mean feasible, achievable, and capable of being carried out in a practical manner.
1.2 “Legal” shall mean relating to the law or its administration.
1.3 “Contract” mean Practicable Definition Legal Contract.
2. Scope Work
2.1 Party 1 agrees to provide legal advice and consultation to Party 2 on practicable definitions in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
2.2 Party 2 agrees to compensate Party 1 for the legal services provided in accordance with the fee schedule set forth in Appendix A.
3. Governing Law
3.1 This Contract dispute claim arising connection governed construed accordance laws [State/Country].
4. Entire Agreement
4.1 This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, relating to such subject matter.

Frequently Asked Legal Questions About “Practicable” Definition

Question Answer
1. What does “practicable” mean in legal terms? Legal jargon can be tricky, but “practicable” generally refers to something that is feasible or achievable under the given circumstances. Often used laws regulations indicate possible doable.
2. How is “practicable” interpreted in court cases? Interpretation of “practicable” in court cases can vary depending on the specifics of the case. Judges may consider factors such as time, cost, and available resources to determine what is truly practicable in a given situation.
3. Can “practicable” be subjective in legal scenarios? Yes, the interpretation of “practicable” can indeed be subjective. Different parties in a legal dispute may have varying opinions on what is feasible or achievable. This can lead to debates and arguments in court.
4. Are there specific laws that define “practicable”? While “practicable” may not have a specific legal definition in all jurisdictions, it is often used in conjunction with other laws and regulations to imply a certain level of reasonableness or possibility in actions or requirements.
5. What happens if something is deemed “not practicable”? If something is determined to be “not practicable” in a legal context, it may not be required or expected to be done. However, determination challenged court valid reasons so.
6. Can “practicable” be used as a defense in legal cases? Absolutely. Parties in legal disputes may invoke the concept of “practicability” to argue that certain actions or requirements are not feasible given the circumstances. This can be a key element in building a legal defense.
7. How does the concept of “practicable” apply to workplace regulations? “Practicable” is often used in occupational health and safety laws to outline the responsibilities of employers in providing a safe working environment. Employers are required to take “reasonably practicable” measures to ensure safety.
8. Are there any notable legal precedents involving the term “practicable”? There have been several noteworthy cases where the interpretation of “practicable” has been a central issue. These cases have helped to shape the understanding and application of the term in legal contexts.
9. How can individuals navigate the complexities of “practicable” in legal matters? Seeking legal advice from experienced professionals is crucial when dealing with the nuances of “practicability” in legal matters. A skilled attorney can provide guidance and clarity on how the concept applies to a specific situation.
10. What trends or developments are emerging in the interpretation of “practicable”? The evolving nature of laws and societal expectations can influence the interpretation of “practicable” in legal contexts. As norms and technologies change, so too does the understanding of what is feasible and achievable.